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Impaired Brain Signaling Pathway may cause Alzheimer’s

Scientists from the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL have found a defect in a brain signaling pathway that may contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. This could lead to new prevention and treatment strategies.     Past studies suggest Alzheimer’s results from too much of a protein called beta-amyloid in the brain. The Mayo …

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The Best Books to Help Explain Alzheimer’s Disease to a Child

Alzheimer’s disease can be confusing and scary for anyone, but for a child or teen, it is important to talk with them as soon as possible so they begin to understand how the disease might change the relationship they have previously shared with their loved one. It may begin with a loved one forgetting a …

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Alzheimer’s Caregiving doesn’t have to be Emotionally Isolating

Alzheimer’s caregivers often feel emotionally isolated as they struggle to face the challenges they encounter on a daily basis. Sue Shipper can’t remember exactly when she became isolated from everyone in her life as she took care of her Alzheimer’s-stricken husband, Robert.   Shipper’s story is very common among Alzheimer’s caregivers whose isolation becomes a …

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10 Stimulating Activities for Alzheimer’s Patients

A loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia does not have to give up things they love. In the early stages of dementia, activities can be modified to the person’s ability to help enhance the quality of life. However, as the disease progresses, it may become difficult for the person carry on a conversation, respond to …

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Unexpected Things that Affect your Memory

Misplace a pen or forget a doctor’s appointment? Fear not, most forgetfulness is nothing serious says Dr. Majid Fotuhi, founder and chief medical officer of NeurExpand Brain Center in Luterville, MD. Anything from lack of sleep to stress can affect memory. “Fortunately, your brain is malleable, meaning it changes and improves,” Fotuhi said. “Memory can …

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Missing Protein Could Signal Dementia

Researchers from the University of Warwick in the UK have conducted a study which suggests the absence of a protein, called the MK2/3 protein, is associated with the early signs of dementia. The MK2/3 protein regulates the shape of spines in postsynaptic neurons, which is how information in the brain is transferred. Those neurons lacking …

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Tips for Caregivers on Managing Bathroom Activities

When caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease, managing bathroom activities can be difficult and uncomfortable. Lisa P. Gwyther, MSW, head of family support program at Duke University Medical Center, in Durham, N.C., “Even though the person with Alzheimer’s disease may not be able to take a bath or go to the toilet safely by themselves, …

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Depression and Cognitive Impairment Tied to Faster Brain Aging

For adults over 65, having depression and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can leave the person vulnerable to accelerated brain aging, according to a new study. Meryl A. Butters, Ph.D., an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and senior investigator on the study, said that older adults with depression already …

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Teen Wins Grand Prize for Alzheimer’s Invention

A teenager from New York, whose grandfather suffers from Alzheimer’s disease, took home the Scientific American Science in Action Award for his invention to aid those with the disease. Kenneth Shinozuka, 15, created wearable sensors that send mobile alerts when a dementia patient begins to wander away from bed, officials of the contest said.   …

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Easing the Transition to Elder Care

Getting old is inevitable, but for those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, there is a constant need for assistance in everyday life. While making the decision to place a loved one in an elder care facility can be difficult, it may be the best thing you can do for them. This is essential …

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For those who are struggling with memory loss, a memory screen is a step in the right direction to keeping their minds healthy. Apply for a FREE memory screen today!