
Practical Advice All Alzheimer’s Caregivers Should Know

As Alzheimer’s progresses and a person’s abilities gradually dwindle, caregivers have the particularly difficult job of making sure the patient feels safe and valued. Here are some pragmatic tips which can help you provide the care your loved one needs:     Simplicity     As once-simple problems become increasingly difficult for the patient, he …

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Life with Alzheimer’s: Jeanie’s Story

Jeanie is a caregiver to her father who has Alzheimer’s. Here is her story that she shared with the Alzheimer’s Association:      Every person is different; every case of Alzheimer’s is different too. My dad is 86, and received his diagnosis of Alzheimer’s last fall. He spent three weeks in a hospital in Atlanta …

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Alzheimer’s Care: Remain Socially Active

Similar to other parts of your body, your brain may lose some agility as you get older. It can deteriorate even more if you don’t take care of it. The good news is that emerging evidence suggests there are steps you can take to help keep your brain healthy as you age. Research has shown …

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Holiday Tips for Alzheimer’s Caregivers

The holidays can be a stressful time, not only for Alzheimer’s caregivers, but also your loved one with Alzheimer’s disease.  “I think with the holidays it’s really important for us to take a practical approach and really adjust our expectations,” said Ruth Drew, director of family and information services at the Alzheimer’s Association. “Maybe there …

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National Memory Screening Day

On November 18th, individuals can get memory screenings as part of an initiative by The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America. National Memory Screening Day is part of a larger effort to promote early detection of memory problems and to encourage early intervention, including medical treatments, social services and other resources.     Collaborating with local organizations …

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Multi-Sensory Environments Benefit People Living with Dementia

Unveiling a new guide for care homes, Dr. Anke Jakob, from Kingston University London, and Dr. Lesley Collier, from the University of Southampton, shed new light on the positive impact multi-sensory environments can have when caring for people living with dementia. This guide highlights the need for having a space specifically designed for people living …

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Stuart Miles

Nobel Peace Prize Winners Open Window to Alzheimer’s

Three scientists won the Nobel Peace Prize for their work on discovering cells in the brain that act as the body’s internal global positioning system, which opens a window to new Alzheimer’s research. When diagnosed with dementia, these cells are the first to go, which explains why patients eventually lose their way, but understanding how …

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graur razvan ionut

Personality Traits Increase Alzheimer’s Risk in Women

Alzheimer’s disease is more common in women, with women over the age of 65 having a 1 in 6 chance of developing it, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. In a new study, researchers have found that certain personality traits, such as anxiety, jealousy, and moodiness, may increase a woman’s risk of Alzheimer’s disease.     …

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5 Warning Signs Loved Ones Should Not Avoid when it comes to Dementia

On September 21, World Alzheimer’s Day, awareness surrounding the disease is heightened and people are engaging in conversations about the illness and how it effects everyone involved. More than 5 million people are living with Alzheimer’s disease, and according to the Alzheimer’s Association, every 67 seconds someone develops Alzheimer’s. Since there is no cure for …

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Alzheimer's Disease

For those who are struggling with memory loss, a memory screen is a step in the right direction to keeping their minds healthy. Apply for a FREE memory screen today!

More than six million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease. If your loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, they may qualify for a research study. Learn More!