
UK Researchers Use Verbal Cues in Dementia Diagnoses

  Researchers in the UK have developed a method of verbal analysis that may help determine whether or not a patient’s described memory loss is due to early dementia.     Consultant Neurologist Dr. Daniel Blackburn of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust says of his own clinic, “Six years ago one in five patients …

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New Theory: Alzheimer’s Memory Loss Could be Reversible

A new theory on where memory is stored in the brain suggests that lost memories could possibly be restored. If true, it could radically change almost everything that scientists know about memory loss and even lead to a better treatment to Alzheimer’s disease.     The theory, proposed by Dr. David Glanzman of the University …

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renjith krishnan

High Blood Pressure in Middle Age Linked to Cognitive Decline

A new observational study suggests that hypertension in middle age could contribute to cognitive decline in the next 20 years. Rebecca F. Gottesman, MD, PhD, of Johns Hopkins, and colleagues found that high blood pressure between the ages of 48 and 67 was associated with 0.056 z score-points of a decline in cognition over 20 …

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Using iPads can help Older Adults Thinking Ability

A new study suggests, that for older adults, learning to use a tablet computer can help improve memory and assist in completing tasks. The researchers add it can also enhance everyday life and help older adults achieve greater independence. “Mastering technological devices such as the iPad has the added advantage of providing older adults with …

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Learning a Second Language May Protect an Aging Brain

Learning and speaking two or more languages has been shown to protect your brain as it ages, even if you learn another language as an adult. For the study, researchers followed 835 people born in Scotland in 1936 whose first language was English. At age 11, participants were given a mental skills test and then …

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Green Tea’s Effect on Cognitive Function is Now Clear

Previous studies have shown the health benefits of green tea, specifically for cognitive development, but the exact reasons why were unclear. However, a new imaging study suggests that green tea appears to boost memory by enhancing functional brain connectivity.     The study, led by Stefan Borgwardt, MD, PhD, from the Department of Psychiatry, University …

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10 Ways to Keep your Brain (and Memory) Sharp

Your brain does more than just thinking; it controls everything you do, explains David S. Liebeskind, M.D., a Men’s Health advisor. That is the number one reason to keep it healthy. While scientists don’t yet have a solidified answer on how to do so, research has revealed plenty of ways to keep your brain sharp …

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Alzheimer's Disease

For those who are struggling with memory loss, a memory screen is a step in the right direction to keeping their minds healthy. Apply for a FREE memory screen today!

More than six million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease. If your loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, they may qualify for a research study. Learn More!