There are three areas that are critical in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease: detection, prevention, and preclinical treatment. These three are highlighted in a supplement by Jack de la Torre, MD, PhD, Professor of Neuropsychology at The University of Texas at Austin, speaking on how dementia should be approached and managed right now, not years down the road. This supplement is composed of 23 articles and can be found in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
“This issue will be of interest to established researchers and young investigators seeking a broader knowledge of the AD problem, as well as to clinicians who deal with elderly patients or with individuals who may show up at their clinics as outpatients showing signs of cognitive dysfunction,” notes Dr. de la Torre.
In the area of detection, researchers give insightful reviews and discussions of techniques and strategies that seek ways to identify AD before it starts. In the area of prevention, “investigators explore how a multidisciplinary approach involving brain and heart specialists can better create a plan of intervention for patients at risk of AD or for people presenting preclinical signs of dementia,” according to Medical Xpress. Lastly, researchers focused on preclinical treatment, suggesting it offers hope and improvement in quality of life.
“It seems an auspicious moment to open a dialogue between those pursuing a treatment for AD and those favoring prevention of this dementia. Such a dialogue could lead to a more effective course of action in confronting the needs of AD patients and those at risk of developing this disorder,” said Dr. de la Torre. “The reviews contained in this supplementary issue of JAD may set the stage for such a discourse and in addition, provide some viable tracks on the road to discovering a realistic pathway for coping with this grim disorder.”