Dementia is an illness resulting from a collection of symptoms that can be either genetic or caused by various diseases such as Huntington’s disease. Most common symptoms of dementia include: impairment in communicating, thinking and memory. Do you know someone who is displaying symptoms of dementia? Here are four early signs that may help you decipher whether or not you should suggest he/she seeks help:
• Impairments of the mind. Memory loss does not necessarily mean a person has dementia, it could just be because they are getting older. However, if he/she is experiencing impairments of language, communication, focus and/or reasoning this may be dementia.
• Changes in mood. If your loved one is known to be a kind-hearted and happy person and suddenly becomes irritable and angry, he/she may be displaying early signs of the illness. Additionally, other changes in personality may occur such as becoming shy when the person has typically been outgoing. This is a confusing time for the person so it is imperative to be patient.
• Apathy. You may notice your loved one begins to lose interest in hobbies and activities that he/she once loved. Furthermore, the person may not want to go out in public as much and may not have any desire to see other family members and friends.
• Difficulty in daily tasks. No longer being able to complete daily tasks may be a sign of early dementia. For example, if the person’s routine is to wake up, make coffee, read the newspaper and go for a walk every morning, and they start to not do that anymore, it may be a cause for concern.