Whether you have been directly affected by Alzheimer’s disease or not, no one is immune to developing it. Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia that causes progressive brain and memory impairment until a person loses all-important mental functions. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s, and available treatments only temporarily slow the progression of the disease. June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Health Awareness Month. If you have a brain, you can use it to help fight Alzheimer’s.
The Purpose of Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month
Over 50 million people worldwide are living with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other forms of dementia. June commemorates a time to raise awareness about the brain and how AD is a growing public health crisis to every willing ear. Fundraisers take place that raise vital funds to help improve the healthcare options for those with AD. The biggest fundraiser takes place on June 21, the summer solstice with The Longest Day Fundraiser.
Events and Getting Involved
The more people know about Alzheimer’s, the more actions are inspired to help in the fight to end it. You can get involved in many ways to support the cause. Purple is the official color of the Alzheimer’s movement. You can use social media to turn Facebook purple, purchase Go Purple gear, or use the hashtag #ENDALZ to join the conversation.
There is also a multitude of opportunities to volunteer, become an Alzheimer’s advocate, participate in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, make a charitable donation or volunteer in a clinical research study. Clinical research studies help pave the way for future treatment options for those with AD.
To learn more about how you can contribute by participating in upcoming research studies for Alzheimer’s at Brain Matters Research, call us at (561) 374-8461 or click here.