Alzheimer’s can Spread like an Infection

A breakthrough study conducted by the Columbia University Medical Center found that Alzheimer’s spreads from one part of the brain to another, characteristic of an infection. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. and an estimate of 5.4 million people suffer from the disease. This …

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The Power of Music on Memory

  Music can be powerful for people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, even in the very late stages of the disease. Music can affect mood, manage stress-induced agitation, stimulate positive interactions, facilitate cognitive function, and coordinate motor movements. Response to rhythm hardly requires any cognitive or mental processing. They are affected by the …

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For those who are struggling with memory loss, a memory screen is a step in the right direction to keeping their minds healthy. Apply for a FREE memory screen today!