Sunblock, towels, water, and sunglasses are some of the things to remember to bring along during those adventurous summertime outings. If you have kidney disease, keeping yourself safe, involves a little more. Your kidneys filter waste and excess fluid from your blood. Kidney disease compromises your ability to perform those essential functions. If you have kidney disease, here are a few tips to keep the fun going this summer while taking care of your kidneys.
Summertime Tips for Kidney Care

Here are some simple reminders as you enjoy these summer months with chronic kidney disease:
- Fluid Balance– Staying hydrated during summer is almost always at the top of the “to do” list. However, since kidney patients may be retaining extra fluid due to some loss of kidney function, fluid overload is a real danger. In excess heat, stay indoors to prevent sweating as a result of overheating and needing to take in more fluids.
- Protect your Access– Dialysis patients must protect their vascular access when swimming. Talk with your doctor about protective dressings, or how to clamp and immobilize your peritoneal dialysis catheter.
- Plan Ahead– Make sure you have enough equipment and supplies for your time away. Speak with your healthcare provider about dialysis treatments in the area you are traveling to.
- Don’t Leave Out the Basics– When planning for your summer outings, don’t forget the sunscreen, loose-fitting clothing, eye, and head protection.
Heat illness and dehydration are genuine dangers to everyone. But for those with any loss of function with kidney disease, this can be extremely dangerous. Body temperatures that exceed 104 and dehydration cause metabolic systems like the kidneys to shut down. In severe heat shock, heart failure and shock can result.

If you or a loved one have kidney disease, upcoming clinical research studies looking into potential new alternatives may be an option. To learn more about upcoming opportunities at Clinical Pharmacology of Miami, visit us here.